So archooooo cold and flu is visiting our home, I'm fairly certain I've got him under control's a list of what I have:
Panadol: For the bears with sore heads-CHECK
Cough Lollies: For the sooks with sore throats-CHECK
Eucalyptus Oil in a burner: To kill the germs flying around and send me blind in the process-CHECK
Vitamin C 250mg: Take 4 per day per keep Mummsie happy-CHECK
Vicks: Rub for chest, back and feet-CHECK
So after organizing my above checklist, I finally got into bed at around the sounds of a MONSTER in my bed!!! My poor B's snoring sounded like a truck roaring down a hill riding his exhaust break the whole way...and then...a boat bbbbubbling in the ocean....then...a train screaming along the tracks! These horrendous noises came out of my sick man for oh about an amount of pushing him and trying to roll him over reduced the noise..if anything I made it worse AND to add to the excitement...he mumbled and grumbled about ME moving around too much...the poor dear..HE couldn't sleep because of me tossing and turning??? Oh deary deary me...the Archoooo cold and flu has turned my Hubby to be into a complete MONSTER!!!
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